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Tasmota Control of Zigbee Lights WithOUT Home Assistant or NodeRED

Control your Zigbee Smart Lights with Tasmota Switches and #Zigbee2MQTT without any home automation in the middle

⚡All the Links
Zigbee Bulbs -
Martin Jerry Switch
Linkind Switches
Athom Preflashed Switches
Athom Store -
KaufHA Preflashed BR30
KaufHA Preflashed A19
CC2652 Zigbee Coordinator -

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Tasmota One Button Dimming & CT Control Rules

Paste each rule/command on one line in the console.  Change "ZigLinkindBulb" to your Zigbee2MQTT device name or group.  Do not forget to turn the rules On!

calcres 0

switchmode1 12

setoption32 12

rule1 ON system#boot do backlog0 var5 ZigLinkindBulb ; ledpower1 1 ; ledpower2 0 ; var1 ADD ; var2 3 ; var3 50 ; var4 153 ENDON
ON switch1#state=2 do event zigtog ENDON
ON switch1#state=4 do %var1%%var2% 25 ; event zigpush%var2% ENDON
ON switch1#state=7 do event updown=%var1% ENDON on event#updown=ADD do var1 SUB ENDON on event#updown=SUB do var1 ADD ENDON

rule2 on switch1#state=8 do event ctdim=%var2% ENDON
on event#ctdim=3 do var2 4 ; ledpower1 0 ; ledpower2 1 ; event zigtog ENDON
on event#ctdim=4 do var2 3 ; ledpower1 1 ; ledpower2 0 ; event zigtog ENDON
on event#zigpush3 do backlog0 ledpower1 0 ; publish zigbee2mqtt/%var5%/set {"brightness":%var3%} ; ledpower1 1 endon
on event#zigpush4 do backlog0 ledpower2 0 ; publish zigbee2mqtt/%var5%/set {"color\_temp":%var4%} ; ledpower2 1 endon

rule3 ON Var3#State>255 do var3 255 endon on var3#state<0 do var3 0 endon
ON Var4#State>500 do var4 500 endon on var4#state<153 do var4 153 endon
on event#zigtog do publish zigbee2mqtt/%var5%/set/state TOGGLE endon

Rule0 1

As shown in the video this was using a MJ Switch with the following template setup for the two LEDs to blink/change.

{"NAME":"MJ-S01 2Way Switch","GPIO":[1,1,1,1,321,320,0,0,3840,160,544,224,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}

Tasmota Dimmer to Zigbee Rules (not in the video...yet)

rule1 on dimmer#state do backlog var1 %value% ; MULT1 2.55 ; event pushzig endon
on event#pushzig do publish zigbee2mqtt/ZigIkeaBulb/set {"state":"ON","brightness":%VAR1%} endon
     on power1#state=0 do publish zigbee2mqtt/ZigIkeaBulb/set/state OFF endon
     on power1#state=1 do publish zigbee2mqtt/ZigIkeaBulb/set/state ON endon

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