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3 Way Smart Switch with Motion Activation

Installing the true 3 Way Smart Switch from Etekcity.  As always we flash the switch with open source firmware, Tasmota for 100% local control.  No soldering required to flash!  After the setup we do a slight modification to add a motion sensor to solve an issue I had in our laundry room.

Etekcity 3 Way (2 pack)
Etekcity Single Pole
FTDI USB Flasher
Jumper Wires
Straight Header Pins

To Add Motion Activation
Angled Header Pins

Installation Tools
Wago 221 Wire Connectors
Circuit Tester

Soldering gear I use
Helping Hands

Additional Links
NodeMCU Pyflasher
3 Way Switch Diagrams
Cliff Quicktest

Tasmota Template

{"NAME":"Etekcity 3Way","GPIO":[255,255,0,255,23,29,0,0,82,22,10,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}  

Setup Commands for the Console

backlog switchtopic 0;switchmode1 1;switchmode2 5;switchmode3 1;powerretain 1;rule1 on event#ON do power2 TOGGLE endon;rule1 1;rule2 on event#OFF do power2 TOGGLE endon;rule2 1;

rule3 on power1#state=1 do backlog rule1 0; rule2 1 endon on power1#state=0 do backlog rule1 1; rule2 0 endon
rule3 1

Sample Home Assistant Config

- platform: mqtt
name: "SW-HallWay"
state_topic: "stat/SW-HallWay/POWER1"
command_topic: "cmnd/SW-HallWay/EVENT"
availability_topic: "tele/SW-HallWay/LWT"
qos: 1
payload_on: "ON"
payload_off: "OFF"
payload_available: "Online"
payload_not_available: "Offline"
retain: false

Take note of the slightly different command topic.

Rule Addition for Motion
rule3 on power1#state=1 do backlog rule1 0; rule2 1 endon on power1#state=0 do backlog rule1 1; rule2 0 endon on switch3#state=1 do backlog event ON ; RuleTimer1 300 endon on Rules#Timer=1 do event OFF endon

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